Monday, January 24, 2011

Hello! Today i present to you first release of working crack for Dead Space 2 Limited Edition World Released 25 January 2011 (Xbox 360, PS3 and PC). This blog was created for informational purposes only. For starters, some will tell you about the game:

About the game: 

A horrific infestation is decimating a massive space city. Isaac Clarke must dismember, impale, and stomp his way across the Sprawl.
Familiar as well as all-new grotesque creatures lurk around every corner.
Wield a set of devastating tools to bring the terror to space. Impale with the Javelin, and turn limbs into deadly weapons with improved telekinesis, plus much more.
Fire up Isaac's suit boosters to rocket around in zero gravity like never before with full 360° movement.
For the first time, experience the horror of a Necromorph outbreak with others in online Multiplayer.
How to use the crack
Next comes a description of the use of crack! So I'm gonna show you how to download and use this crack:
1. First of all you need to download this absolutely free keygen. Do it you can by clicking: 
2. Virus scan:

3. When you download а crack to open it on your computer. So let's see:

4. After the download, run the KeyGen and click the ''Generate" button and copy the code and paste it into the appropriate line. If the code is not correct, you just press the "Generate'' button again, do this until the code will be correct. Enjoy!

Attention: Internet connection must be active during the code generation!

Thank you for your attention!